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Everyday French Fashion

To answer the question of “What do French people wear everyday?” Street Style is a featured portion of madmoiZelle that showcases a different French person each day! The entire video is in French, but I encourage beginners to still watch it and see what you can understand.

Today’s Street Style focuses on Célien Schneider, an expert piano player working on his new album which should be done in September (2011). Célien first tells us about his brown vest he purchased a long time ago in Berlin. The cost of 5 euros only exemplifies Célien’s love for his jacket. Célien’s “Harry Potter” glasses never leave his face, it’s part of his style! Célein has had his watch since he was 20 and it’s the only type of jewelry he owns. The watch has an incredibly simple black band and a white face with no numbers. His pants are a simple Levi’s Slim (with a Levi’s belt too!), which just goes to show you that you don’t need French designer items to dress stylish. Finally, Célien wears “Paul Smith” brand shoes because he believes they are perfect for him.

So what do other French people think about Célein’s style of the day?

Street Style très sympathique. Il est trop choupy à être stresser devant la caméra, il sourit tout le temps, il est trop mignon! J’aime son style! Le slim lui va bien (alors que niveau slim sur les hommes je suis très critique^^).
On pourrait pas organiser un concours pour gagner un RDV avec lui? 

“Ohh! Street style is so kind. He (Célien) is too cute to be stressed in front of the camera, he smiles all the time, he is so cute! I love his style! The slim jeans go well on him (I’m very critical about guys wearing slim pants^^). We can’t organize a little competition in order to get a date with him?

Bon alors il a l’air adorable, il a un joli sourire et une jolie voix, mais non je suis désolée je ne peux pas supporter les chemisettes, c’est juste pas possible je trouve ça laid. Autant une chemise aux manches retroussées j’aime que la chemisette NON ! Et puis je suis toujours contre le slim au masculin, mais bon c’est la mode hein…

“Yes he’s adorable, he has a nice smile and a beautiful voice. But no, I’m sorry I cannot support the button downed shirt, it’s just not possible, I find it ugly. Especially a shirt with rolled up sleeves, NEVER! In addition, I am still against slim jeans on men, but hey, that’s fashion…”

Comments were taken from madmoiZelle‘s website. Otherwise, that’s all there is to say about Célien! Stay tuned for more everyday French styles. Any comments can be posted below.

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